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Setting the confidence threshold

When an email is evaluated by the natural language processing (NLP) model, any classifications that are returned have an associated confidence score. This score represents how confident the NLP model is in its classification of the text. The intelligent routing can leverage the confidence threshold metric so that the conditions evaluate true only when the confidence score is above a certain threshold. Leveraging the confidence threshold can ensure that the Email Bot only invokes an action when it is very certain of itself, reducing errors in automatic processing.

  1. In the Email bot channel, click the Behavior tab.
  2. To the right of the intelligent routing action, click the Gear icon.
  3. Set the Confidence Threshold.
    Note: The threshold evaluates true only when the confidence score of the topic is greater than or equal to the number that you set.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Save your confidence threshold setting.

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