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Interrogating and renaming controls

Interrogating and renaming controls

After you interrogate a control, the new control becomes the current control and is selected in the Control name box on the Interrogation Form. The cursor moves to the Control name box field, so that you can rename the control before interrogating the next control. You can also modify any of the standard properties that are associated with the control. 

To test how an automation works with the control, you can modify the target properties. When modified, these properties directly affect the behavior of the application, so use caution. A common test is to set the Text property to see how other controls react. You can also use the Testing section to execute a select list of methods on the control. All of these tests enhance your understanding of how the application behaves when automated.

Note: Controls that can be selected on the Interrogation Form can also be found on the Object Explorer in Robot Studio.
Renaming control on interrogation form

Interrogating and renaming controls after interrogation

  1. To interrogate a control, drag the bullseye in the Interrogation Form to the target control in the application. The control is created and becomes the current control in the Interrogation Form. The cursor moves to the Control name field.
  2. In the Control name field, enter a new, more descriptive name as required.
  3. To save your changes, press Enter or move the cursor out of the Control name field to save the change.

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