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Subject case type

Subject case type

Subject case type in Pega Government Platform™ enables users to create subjects and associate them to investigation cases or entities. Subject include a person, business, vehicle, or facility.

Capabilities of subject case type create and perform:

  • New subjects of different entity types, which can be categorized as unknown or known and associated with existing entities in the system.
  • Various actions on the subject case types, such as adding interviews, and associating with cases and entities.

For example, in a Complaints case, the place or person of interest is a known entity. The Complaints case initiates a Subject case and associates the entity as a known subject. Similarly, in the event of a Theft or a Hit and Run case, the subject is not known at the start. In this example, you create an unknown subject and associate it with the event. Later, when you identify the suspects, you keep associating them to the subject.

Subject case management

There are two ways that you can create a known subject case type.

The first method is by associating an existing entity as a subject. When the Create subject case is invoked from an investigation, the subject details are propagated to the properties of different entities and their details. These details are used to create a subject association with the investigation or an association with entities.

In the center of the following image, slide the vertical line to view the selection of an existing entity as a Subject on the left and the association of the selected entity as a known subject on the right.

The second method is to create a new entity as a subject. 

Doing so involves creating a new entity with the required information and associating it as a known subject.

In the center of the following image, slide the vertical line to view the creation of a new entity as a Subject on the left and the association of the newly created entity as a known Subject on the right.

A created subject is categorized as unknown when complete details that are required by the system for the entity are not known. As a result, descriptive data on the subject is entered, making it an unknown subject.

In the center of the following image, slide the vertical line to view the creation of a new entity with just a description to the left and the association of the newly created entity as an unknown Subject on the right.

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