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The Timeline page


The Timeline page provides a view of the your employees' daily work lives of and how they complete their work. The Timeline page of Workforce Intelligence lets you drill down to your team's respective employees to evaluate individual performance and the daily lives of individuals. You can identify if a user must switch between several applications or screens while processing a transaction. When coaching your employees, you can use the timeline to show them fact-based information about how they are doing and share best practices.







The Timeline Page is broken up into 4 sections:

Focus: Focus lists all the team members and their score for the selected day. The list is initially sorted by score but can also be sorted by name. You can select on one or more employees to filter the view to their data only. Filtered employees are indicated by a grey box around their name. Click on the employee’s name again to remove the filter.

Application: Applications shows the top 10 applications for the selected work category. By default, Production Work is selected.  To change the work category, click on the down arrow and choose the work category you want to view.  To highlight who is using a specific application, click on either the application name or the pie slice to highlight who is using an application, when they are using it, and for how long. The Daily Time on the lower part of the screen, updates to highlight only the application currently selected. Click on the application again to return to viewing all applications.

Calendar: Calendar allows you to select which day to view timelines. By default, the last day with data captured during the time period is selected. An oval around a day indicates which day’s data you are viewing. A square with a solid color fill indicates the day is available for selection.  From the time selector, you can either choose to have a week or month to select from.  At the top of the calendar, there are roll-ups of performance for each day of the week. This enables you to see performance by day of week over multiple weeks in one month. Each day in the calendar will also show you the production score color for that day.

The Daily Time: Daily Time displays what an employee’s day looks like. This section is used to identify workflows, potential for process improvement, and training opportunities.  Each employee’s data is displayed for the day selected.  On the top right of the section, you can select to zoom by the shift or day, zoom into a predefined time window by clicking on Zoom, or zoom in or out by clicking on the magnifying glass with a minus or plus. 

If an application is highlighted, the Clear Selected App button appears. Clicking that button removes any highlights to applications. To move along the timeline, click anywhere on it, hold your mouse and move it left or right.  

Each employee’s timeline contains four bars. 

Timeline Agent

The first bar is shift, which indicates what their expected hours were for the day. 

The Utilization bar indicates what work category the user is in at that time. 

Clicking on a work category changes the Application section to reflect that category. 

The Applications bar displays what application is in focus at the time. 

If you click on an application in one employee’s timeline, that application is highlighted for all the employees in your view. 

Finally, the Screens bar shows what screens the employee were in during that time. Clicking on a screen highlights that application for all the employees in your view.  

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