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Configuring a cascading approval with a reporting structure

2 Tasks

10 mins

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Pega Platform '23
Case Management
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GoGoRoad stakeholders want to allow Territory Managers to add new vendors as service providers as the service grows. If the vendor is The Automobile Association (TAA), which has an existing relationship with GoGoRoad, the New Vendor Case is routed to the Manager of the Territory Manager for approval. If the vendor is not TAA, the New Vendor Case Type is then routed to a Director for a second approval. Add an Approval Step to the New Vendor Case Type to support the described behavior.

The following figure displays the reporting structure for the Manager:

Reporting structure for the Manager. Manager reports to Director

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@gogoroad pega123!
Note: Your practice environment may support the completion of multiple challenges. As a result, the configuration shown in the challenge walkthrough may not match your environment exactly.

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Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Create the When Conditions

  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter author@gogoroad.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. From the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click App.
  3. Right-click NewVendor, and then click Create > Decision > When.
  4. In the Label field, enter Vendor is TAA.
  5. Click Create and open to create the When Rule.
  6. In the Select list, select Name in the New vendor data relationship.
  7. In the second list, keep the default value of is equal to.
  8. In the third field, enter TAA.
    Vendor is TAA when rule
  9. Click Save to save the When Rule.
  10. To the right of Save, click the down arrow.
    Down-arrow to the right of the Save button
  11. Click Save as to save a copy of the Vendor is TAA When Rule.
  12. In the Label field, enter Vendor is not TAA.
  13. Click Create and open to create the When Rule.
  14. In the second list, select is not equal to.
    Vendor is not TAA when rule
  15. Click Save to save the When Rule.

2 Configure the Approve Vendor Step

  1. In the navigation pane, click Case Types > New vendor to open the New vendor Case Type.
  2. In the Approval Process, click Step > Approve/Reject.
  3. Name the Step Approve vendor.
  4. Click and drag the Approve vendor Step to precede the Save Data Page Step.
    Approve vendor step in the Approval stage of the New Vendor case type
  5. With the Approve vendor Step selected, from the General tab of the properties pane, in the Approval flow type list, select Cascading.
  6. In the Approval based on list, keep the default value of Reporting structure.
  7. In the Approval to be completed by list, keep the default value of Reporting manager.
    Properties pane for an approval shape configured as a cascading approval with reporting structure
  8. Expand the Approval level section.
  9. In the Approval level section, select Custom.
  10. Click Update custom levels to update the custom approval levels. A dialog box is displayed.
    Update custom levels link on an Approval step based on Reporting structure
    1. In the dialog box, click Add custom approval to add a When Rule.
    2. In the When field, enter or select VendorIsTAA.
    3. In the Levels of approval field, enter 1.
    4. Click Add custom approval to add a When Rule.
    5. In the When field, enter or select VendorIsNotTAA.
    6. In the Levels of approval field, enter 2.
    7. Click Submit to close the dialog.
      Update custom levels dialog box associated with an Approval step based on a Reporting structure
  11. Click Save to save the New vendor Case Type.

Confirm your work

  1. Click Save and run to create a New Vendor Case instance.
  2. In the Collect vendor information Step, in the Name field, enter TAA.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. In the To do section of the Case, to the right of Get Approval, click Go to display the first approval.
  5. In the Approval View, verify that the open Assignment is assigned to the Manager.
    First approval routed to Manager
  6. Click Approve to resolve the Case.
  7. Create a New Vendor Case instance.
  8. In the Collect vendor information Step, in the Name field, enter Pega Towing.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. In the To do section of the Case, to the right of Get Approval, click Go to display the first approval.
  11. In the Approval View, verify that the open Assignment is assigned to the Manager.
    First approval routed to Manager
  12. Click Approve.
  13. In the To do section of the Case, to the right of Get Approval, click Go to display the second approval.
  14. In the Approval View, verify that the open Assignment is assigned to the Director.
    Second approval routed to Director

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