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Sourcing a page property with a keyed Data Page

3 Tasks

15 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Platform '23
Data Integration
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To help applicants select the correct position during the Submission Stage, recruiters ask that the description of an open position to be displayed when an applicant selects the open position.

Use a keyed Data Page to display the selected position. Configure the D_PositionList Data Page for keyed access and use it to display the job description.

The recommended tasks to complete this challenge are:

  • Update the configuration of the D_PositionList Data Page to access individual position information with the position identifier.
  • Configure the Position property to refer to the D_PositionList Data Page and use the PositionAppliedFor property as the key value.
  • Add the JobDescription field to the CollectPersonalDetails Section.
  • Ensure that the job description is refreshed when the user selects a different position.
Note: If any Rule is not editable, save the Rule into an unlocked Ruleset version.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Senior System Architect SSA@TGB pega123!
Note:  Your practice environment may support the completion of multiple challenges. As a result, the configuration shown in the challenge walkthrough may not match your environment exactly.

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Configure keyed data access for the Data Page

  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter SSA@TGB.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. In the Data Explorer, open the D_PositionList Data Page.

    Position data type
  3. In the Keyed page access Section, select the Access pages with user defined keys check box to enable keyed page access.
  4. In the Page list keys field, select .ID.

    Position data page keyed access
  5. Save the Data Page.

2 Refer to the keyed Data Page

  1. Open the Position property of the Candidate Case Type.

  2. Change the Data Page field to point to D_PositionList and specify the PositionAppliedFor property as the key. 
    Note: Saving the property to a new unlocked version of the HRApps Ruleset results in a warning that creating a duplicate property definition can negatively impact system performance. Justify copying the property to a new unlocked Ruleset by noting the switch to a keyed Data Page configuration and create a new version of the Position property.
    Position property configuration
  3. Save the property.

3 Add the position job description as a read-only field

  1. Create a new candidate Case.
  2. In the footer of Dev Studio, in the Toolbar, click the Toggle Live UI to enable Live UI and identify the Section to add the job description.
  3. In the pane on the right, on the CollectPersonalDetails_0 Section element, click the Open icon to display the Section form.
    Collect personal details screen
  4. In the Section form, on the Design tab, click Data capture > Text input, and then drag the control to the dynamic layout.
    Text input
  5. Select the Text input field.

  6. On the right, click the Gear icon to open the Cell Properties dialog box.

    Section text input configuration
  7. In the Cell Properties dialog box, on the General tab, in the Property field, enter .Position.JobDescription.

    Text input field property configuration
  8. On the Presentation tab, in the Edit options field, select Read-only (always).

    Text input presentation configuration
  9. Save the text input cell properties.

  10. On the Section form, select the dynamic layout that contains the Position applying for and Job description fields, and then click the Gear icon to open the Dynamic layout properties dialog box.

    Section layout configuration
  11. Configure a refresh condition to ensure that the description is refreshed when the drop-down list is updated.

    Dynamic layout properties configuration
  12. Save the Section Rule.

Confirm your work

  1. Create a new candidate Case.
  2. In the Position applied for list, select a position.
  3. Verify that the Job description is displayed.
    Job description
  4. Open the Clipboard tool.
  5. Open the Position property in the pyWorkPage to verify that the property refers to the D_PositionList Data Page.
    Clipboard pyWorkpage

This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:

Available in the following mission:

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