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Adding fields to Views


3 Aufgaben

20 Min.

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Pega Platform 8.5
Data Integration
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Now that the stages and steps for the MyTown311 Service Request case life cycle are configured, the Mayor and the Services coordinator have determined the information that is necessary to add to certain steps. Configure the views for those steps with fields that gather and display the information.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@mytown pega123!


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1 Add editable fields to views

  1. In the App Studio navigation panel, click Case types > Service Request to display the Service Request case life cycle.
  2. In the Service Request case type, click the Report problem step to open the contextual property panel on the right.
  3. In the contextual property panel, click Configure view to add fields to the view.
  4. Click Add field to add a new field.
  5. In the Field name field, enter Request date.
  6. In the Type list, select Date only.
    Tipp: After entering the field name, click the Tab key to select the Type drop-down list, and then select a value. If the Type drop-down list becomes unresponsive, refresh your browser. 
    Request date field configured
  7. Click Submit & add another to add another field to the Report problem view.
    Tipp: When a step has multiple fields, use the Submit & add another option.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 to create a Text (single line) field named Requestor name and add a new field.
  9. In the Field name field, enter Issue severity.
  10. In the Type list, select Picklist to display the Display as and Picklist options fields.
  11. In the Display as and Picklist options fields, keep the default values.
  12. In the Choices section, click Add choice. An empty field is displayed.
  13. In the Empty field, enter Low as a picklist value.
  14. Repeat steps 12-13 to create two additional picklist values, Medium and High.
    Issue severity picklist configured
  15. Click Submit & add another to add another field to the Report problem view.
  16. Repeat steps 5-6 to create a Text (paragraph) field named Description.
  17. Click Submit to dismiss the field creation modal. 
    Tipp: Use the Submit option for the last field on a view or if the view only has one field.
    Report problem view configured with fields
  18. For each field, in the Options list, keep the default value of Optional.
  19. In the Report problem window, click Submit.
  20. Click Save to save your work.
    Hinweis: The number of configuration issues decreases from 6 to 5 after you configure the Report problem view.
  21. Repeat steps 2-7 and 17-18 to create the remaining fields by using the information from the following table.
    Tipp: Save after configuring each view and notice that the number of configuration issues decreases.



    Field Name

    Field Type



    Identify location   





    Request updates

    Request updates





    Requestor Email




    Schedule repair 

    Due date

    Date only




    Note to Technical team

    Text (paragraph)



    Perform repair

    Repair notes 

    Text (paragraph)



2 Add read-only fields to views

  1. In the Service Request case type, click the Review repair step to open the property panel on the right.

  2. In the property panel, click Configure view to add fields to the view.

  3. In the menu on the left, click Fields to display the fields available in your data model.

    Configuring the Review repair view, selecting Fields from the left pane
  4. Hover over Note to Technical team and click the Plus icon. 

    Hover over Note to technical team field to show plus icon
  5. From the Options list, select Read-only.

  6. Repeat steps 4-5 to add the Repair notes field as a Read-only field.

    Review repair view configured
  7. Click Submit.

  8. Click Save to save your work.

3 Confirm your work (section not graded)

Hinweis: As you advance through the case, enter any required information and verify that each view displays the desired fields.
  1. In the upper right, click Save and run to create a new service request. 

  2. In the Report problem view, click Continue to advance to the Identify location view. 

    Report problem view at runtime
  3. In the Identify location view, click Continue to advance to the Request updates view. 
    Identify location view at runtime
  4. In the Request updates view, click Create to complete the Create process.
    Request updates view at runtime
  5. In the To do section of the case, to the right of Schedule repair, click Go to display the Schedule repair view.
  6. In the Schedule repair view, click Submit to display the Perform repair view.
    Schedule repair view at runtime
  7. In the Perform repair view, click Submit to display the Approval view.
    Perform repair view at runtime
  8. In the Approval view, click Approve to resolve the case.
    Approval view at runtime

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