1:1 Customer Engagement Business Transformation
1:1 Customer Engagement Business Transformation
6 モジュール
4 時間 50 分
Pega Customer Decision Hub '24.1 -
Adopting new technology alone doesn't guarantee success. The effectiveness of new technology depends on alignment with people and business processes....
1:1 Customer Engagement Optimization
1:1 Customer Engagement Optimization
6 モジュール
5 チャレンジ
4 時間 20 分
Learn how to run simulations to help business users understand the impact of changes on the decision management framework. Simulations enable you to...
24.1 Ready
24.1 Ready
3 ミッション
1 モジュール
19 時間 15 分
Pega Platform '24.1 -
This mission covers the latest Pega Platform™ changes in the Pega Infinity™ 24.1 release.
Accessibility Essentials
Accessibility Essentials
5 モジュール
5 時間 35 分
According to the World Report on Disability from the World Health Organization, 15 percent of the world's population, or 1 billion people, experience...
AI for 1:1 Customer Engagement
AI for 1:1 Customer Engagement
9 モジュール
15 チャレンジ
11 時間 15 分
Familiarize yourself with the one-to-one customer engagement paradigm and discover how Pega omni-channel AI delivers the right action during every...
Always-On Outbound Customer Engagement
Always-On Outbound Customer Engagement
7 モジュール
8 チャレンジ
6 時間 10 分
Learn how easy it is to enable Next-Best-Action decisions for always-on customer engagement using Next-Best-Action Designer. Reduce design time while...
Application Design
Application Design
3 モジュール
6 チャレンジ
11 時間 30 分
The Application Design mission is an advanced mission for Certified Pega Senior System Architects who are ready to take on the Certified Pega Lead...
Application Design Extended
Application Design Extended
4 モジュール
3 チャレンジ
10 時間 30 分
The Application Design Extended mission is an advanced mission for Certified Pega Senior System Architects who are ready to take on the Certified Pega...
Application Development Foundation
Application Development Foundation
7 モジュール
4 チャレンジ
7 時間
Begin your journey to learn about the Application Development capability of Pega Platform™.
Application Development Intermediate
Application Development Intermediate
7 モジュール
7 チャレンジ
7 時間
Take the next step in your journey towards mastering Application Development.