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Configuring and automating child Cases

2 Tasks

45 mins

Pega Platform '24.2
Visible to: All users
Beginner Pega Platform '24.2 Case Management English


The Project Manager at GoGoRoad has tasked your team with improving the efficiency if the Assistance Request and Service workflows.

After a series of conversations with the stakeholders, your Lead System Architect (LSA) has specified the following requirements to improve the Service workflow:

  • To avoid duplication of effort across CSRs and Managers, automate the detection of duplicate Cases during the Create Stage in order prevent multiple requests for the same vehicle and similar locations.
  • Configure the Assistance Request Case Type to create a Service child Case during the Service Stage. The Assistance Request Case transfers the service type, the customer vehicle information and the service address to the Service Case and then the Service Case performs the selected services.
  • Following creation of the Service Case, the Assistance Request Case pauses until the Service Case is resolved.
  • In the Assistance Request Case Type, communication with the customer after the Review service summary Step should be automated. This Step should send a receipt of the invoice to the customer, including details such as the card type used and the invoice total for services rendered.

Additionally, your LSA has indicated that Views associated with the Service Case are configured as follows:

  • In the Assistance Request Case Type, in the Service Stage, CSRs have requested the ability to modify the service address before selecting the service provider. 
  • In the Service Case Type, the View for the Confirm request details Step should include relevant information from the Assistance Request Case Type. CSRs must confirm details associated with the assistance request before services any services are performed by the previously selected service provider.  
  • The Project Manager requested a single View to track updates while running Service Cases. The District Manager requested a History tab on the Full Case View so that they can easily access Case-related information like the Case ID and Work Status values.

As a new System Architect, your Lead System Architect provides you with a collection of technical documentation links to help you get started.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@gogoroad pega123!

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Detailed Tasks

1 Configure and automate a Case

The Configure and automate a Case Journey map.

Read the technical documentation provided to complete the assigned tasks. The technical documentation might have more information than you need.

Acceptance criteria

  • In the Assistance Request Case Type, a Search duplicate Cases automation Step is configured in the Create Stage. The Search duplicate Cases Step is contained in a new Process that is between Create request Process and Enter payment information Process. The Search duplicate Cases Step uses the Vehicle information's Make, Model, Model Year, and Color fields as basic conditions. The Service address’s Street, City, and State fields are configured as weighted criteria, each with a weight of 25. The weighted conditions must sum to at least 50 to identify a potential duplicate Case.
  • In the Assistance Request Case Type, the Service Stage contains a new Process called Create Service Case. The Create Service Case Process contains a Create Case automation Step. The Create Case automation Step creates a Service child Case. The Create Case Step transfers the Customer IDService address, Service provider Service type, and Vehicle information to the Service child Case. This information should be mapped to the Assistance Request Info View.
  • The Create Service Case Process contains a Wait Step which is configured to pause an Assistance Request Case until after the Service Case is resolved.
  • In the Resolution Stage of the Assistance Request Case Type, a Send email automation Step is configured to send an invoice to the Customer ID's Email address field. The email invoice includes the Payment information’s Card type field and the Invoice total field.


  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, log in as an Application Developer.
    1. In the Username field, enter author@gogoroad.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. In the Assistance Request Case Type, configure a Search duplicate Cases Process and Search duplication Cases automation Step in the Create Stage using the information detailed in the Acceptance criteria.
  3. In the Assistance Request Case Type's Service Stage, configure a Create Service Case Process and a Create Case automation Step  that creates a Service child Case as detailed in the Acceptance criteria.
  4. In the Create Service Case Process, configure a Wait automation Step as detailed in the Acceptance criteria.
  5. In the Assistance Request Case Type' s Resolution Stage, configure a Send email Step is configured as detailed in the Acceptance criteria.

2 Create Views

Creating Views Journey Map

Read the technical documentation provided to complete the assigned tasks. The technical documentation might have more information than you need.

Acceptance criteria

  • In the Assistance Request Case Type, the Select service provider View is configured to include a Boolean field called Modify service address. Configure the Identify location View become visible when the Custom condition  Modify service address Boolean field evaluates true.
  • In the Service Case Type, the Confirm request details View is configured to display the Assistance Request Info View in a two-column layout and is configured without a heading. The Case Step Instructions are overridden. User instructions related to the Step are provided in the View.
  • In the Service Case Type's Full Case Page, the Tabs section is modified to include new Tab called History. The History tab displays Service Case information fields such as the Case ID, Create datetime, Create operator name, Urgency, and Work status.


  1. In the Assistance Request Case Type, configure the Select service provider View using the information detailed in the Acceptance criteria.
  2. In the Service Case Type, configure the Confirm request details View using the information detailed in the Acceptance criteria.
  3. In the Service  Case Type, configure the Full Case View using the information detailed in the Acceptance criteria.

Confirm your work

  1. On the Workflow tab of the Assistance Request Case Type, click Save and run.
  2. Complete the various Views of an Assistance Request Case at runtime, confirming that: 
    • A duplicate Assistance Request Case is correctly identified only when the basic and weighted conditions are met.
    • A CSR can update the vehicle's location before selecting a service provider.
    • A Service child Case opens from the Assistance Request Case.
    • In the Service Case, the Confirm request details View contains the relevant information from the Assistance Request Case. 
    • In the Service Case, the History tab is included on the Full Case View, and it contains the relevant information.
    • When the Service Case is resolved, the UI returns to the Assistance Request Case.

Your Assistance Request Case Life Cycle should look similar to the following image: 

The Assistance Request Case Life Cycle include the Duplicate Case search and Service child Case.

To see a suggested solution, initialize an instance in the Using Insights challenge.

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