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GoGoRoadの関係者は、サービスの拡大に応じて、地域マネージャーが新規ベンダーをサービスプロバイダとして追加できるようにする必要があります。 供給業者がGoGoRoadとすでに関係がある自動車協会(TAA)である場合、NewVendorケースは承認のために地域マネージャーのマネージャーにルーティングされます。 このケースはその後、コンプライアンス担当役員にルーティングされ、リクエストがTAAとGoGoRoad間の契約を遵守しているかの確認を行います。 供給業者がTAAでない場合、「New Vendor」ケースはマネージャーにルーティングされ、さらに取締役に承認が求められます。 承認が適切にルーティングされるようにデシジョンテーブルを作成します。 記載されている動作をサポートするために、「New Vendor」ケースタイプに「Approval」ステップを追加します。


ロール オペレーター ID パスワード
アプリケーションデベロッパー author@gogoroad pega123!



チャレンジ ウォークスルー


1 Configure the Approve vendor step

  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Case types > New vendor to open the New vendor case type.
  2. In the Approval process, click Step > Approve/Reject.
  3. Name the step Approve vendor.
  4. With the Approve vendor step selected, from the General tab of the properties pane, in the Approval flow type drop-down, select Cascading.
  5. In the Approval based on drop-down, select Authority matrix.
  6. In the Decision table for matrix field, enter VendorApprovals as the decision table that determines the conditions for populating the page list.
  7. To the right of the Decision table for matrix field, click the Open icon.
    Create the VendorApprovals decision table for the authority matrix
    1. On the Create Decision Table form, click Create and open.
    2. Click the Results tab.
    3. In the Delegation options section, select the Evaluate all rows check box.
      Evaluate all rows option on the decision table
    4. Click the Table tab.
    5. Click the first heading cell to specify the condition property as .NewVendor.Name.
    6. In the Label field, enter Vendor name.
      Select a condition for the condition heading in a decision table
    7. Keep the default operator as =.
    8. Click Save to finish configuring the condition.
    9. Under Actions, click the cell heading to specify the condition property as .GoGoRoadVendorApprovals(<APPEND>).ApproverID.
      Authority matrix decision table configuration for the Actions header row
    10. Keep the default operator as =.
    11. Click Save to finish configuring the condition.
    12. Click the Insert Row after icon to insert two additional rows.
    13. Click each cell in the decision table, and then enter the following values:
      Decision table to determine who the New Vendor approval is routed to.
    14. Click Save to save the decision table.
    15. Return to the New Vendor case type.
  8. On the right, in the properties pane, in the Page list property field, enter .GoGoRoadVendorApprovals as the page list property to hold the list of approvers.
  9. In the Approver property field, enter .ApproverID as an element of the page list to identify each approver in the list.

2 Confirm your work

  1. In the New vendor case type, click Save and run to create a case instance.
    1. In the Collect vendor information step, in the Name field, enter TAA.
    2. Click Submit.
    3. In the upper right, click Actions > Approval to display the first approval.
    4. In the Approval view, verify that the open assignment is assigned to the Manager.
      Route vendor approval to the manager
    5. Click Approve.
    6. From the Actions menu, click Approval to display the second approval.
    7. In the Approval view, verify that the open assignment is assigned to the Compliance Officer.
      New vendor approval routed to the compliance officer
  2. Create a New vendor case instance.
    1. In the Collect vendor information step, in the Name field, enter Pega Towing.
    2. Click Submit.
    3. From the Actions Menu, click Approval to display the first approval.
    4. In the Approval view, verify that the open assignment is assigned to the Manager.
      Route vendor approval to the manager
    5. Click Approve.
    6. From the Actions menu, click Approval to display the second approval.
    7. In the Approval view, verify that the open assignment is assigned to the Director.
      New vendor approval routed to the director


トレーニングを実施中に問題が発生した場合は、Pega Academy Support FAQsをご確認ください。



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