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Pega Robot Manager overview

5 Topics

30 mins

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Pega Robot Manager 8.8
Robotic Process Automation
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Gain an overview of Pega Robot Manager. Determine the technology's best use cases and discover how to use Robot Manager as a control center for your robotic workforce. Learn about the various features of the product and discover the ideal configuration for Robot Manager. By understanding the advantages of the product, you can gain the most use from it.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

Identify the benefits of using Robot Manager to manage your robotic work force
Understand the importance of maintaining an organizational structure
Define the ways in which you manage robots in Robot Manager
Understand the benefits of using packages, assets, and spaces to work with your team
Recognize how to use the reporting features in Robot Manager

Available in the following mission:

Pega Robot Manager v3

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