Prioritizing robots for work adjustments
14 Topics
1 hr 35 mins
When an administrator has the proper information to make an informed decision on how to resolve an issue or a bottleneck of work, the administrator can adjust the robots quickly to relieve stress or downstream work.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
Available in the following mission:
Work Group and robot monitoring
5 mins
Starting and stopping assignment types
5 mins
Assignment type compliance
5 mins
Setting assignment type compliance
5 mins
Reprioritizing assignment types
5 mins
Scheduling robots for work
10 mins
Creating and copying a robot schedule
10 mins
Disabling a schedule
5 mins
Robots and error states
5 mins
Adjusting threshold values
5 mins
Starting and stopping robots through Pega Robot Manager
5 mins
Terminating a robot
5 mins
Move robots to manage work
5 mins
Moving robots between work groups
10 mins
Module Quiz
10 mins