Dashboards anpassen
3 Aufgaben
15 Min.
Pega Platform
Mit der Microjourney „Service Request“ können Kunden eine Anfrage wegen Pannenhilfe übermitteln. Kunden geben die Art des gewünschten Services an und die Anfrage wird dem entsprechenden Anbieter zugewiesen.
Um eine effiziente Reparaturplanung zu ermöglichen, möchte der Servicekoordinator sein Dashboard überarbeiten, damit Cases für Serviceanfragen auf einer nach Standorten organisierten Karte angezeigt werden.
In der folgenden Tabelle finden Sie die Anmeldedaten, die Sie zur Durchführung der Challenge benötigen.
Rolle | Operator ID | Kennwort |
Application Developer | author@gogoroad | pega123! |
Genaue Übungsschritte
1 Add the Nearby Cases widget to the Case Manager portal dashboard
- From the application Overview landing page, click Preview application to open the Case Manager portal dashboard.
- In the upper right, click the Gear icon to personalize the dashboard.
- On the right, in the Edit Dashboard pane, under Slot 1, click Add widget(s) to display the Add widgets to slot window.
- From the widget list, select Nearby Cases, and then click Add selected.
- At the bottom of the Slot 1 widget list, click Nearby Cases to display the widget configuration section.
- From the Choose Case Type drop-down, select Assistance Request.
- From the Select Location Property drop-down, select Address.
Hinweis: The developer replaced the Service Address field group with an Address field to allow geolocation in the map widget.
- Click Save to complete the widget configuration.
2 Add the Report widget to the Case Manager portal dashboard
- Under Slot 1, click Add widget(s).
- From the Add widgets to slot window, select Report widget and click Add selected.
- At the bottom of the Slot 1 widget list, click Report widget to display the widget configuration section.
- From the Category drop-down, select Case Metrics.
- From the Report drop-down, select Case Volume.
- In the Width field, confirm the setting is 100%.
- In the Height field, confirm the setting is 100%
- Click Preview to view the Report widget configuration in Slot 1.
- On the Dashboard, in Slot 1, scroll down to the Report widget to view the configuration.
- Click Save to complete the widget configuration.
- Under Slot 1, to the right of the Welcome to Case Manager widget, click the Trash can icon to delete the widget from the top of the dashboard.
- To the left of the Nearby Cases widget, click the drag handle icon and drag the widget to the top of the Slot 1 list.
- Drag the Report widget under the Nearby Cases widget.
- At the top of the configuration panel, click to finish personalizing the dashboard. The Nearby Cases and Report widgets are displayed at the top of the dashboard.
3 Verify your work
- Run new cases with addresses of varying distances from your current location.
- Click Dashboard to return to the Case Manager dashboard.
- Verify that the Nearby Cases map and the Case volume chart are displayed at the top of the dashboard.
- Verify that the count in the Case volume chart increased to include the new cases you created.
- In the Case volume chart, click the data point to display a list of the case records.
- In the Nearby Cases widget, verify that the map includes pins for cases that are up to 50 miles away.
- From the Display cases within drop-down, select 5 and verify the map now displays pins for each case within five miles of your current address.
- From the Display cases within drop-down, select 1 to view how the map changes.
Hinweis: When changing the Display cases within drop-down value, the map automatically zooms to the smallest area that covers the cases that fall within the selected range. For example, if all cases have your current address, then the map does not zoom out when the range selection is 50 miles.
- From the map, click a Pin to display a pop-up that contains the case ID and address.
- Click the Case ID.
- Verify that the case associated with the case ID is displayed.
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