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Escalating late work

1 Task

10 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Platform '24.2
Case Management


InsCorp is launching a roadside assistance service as a coverage option for automobile insurance policies. Customers initiate Assistance Request Cases. After the service is completed, a customer service representative should review a summary of the service provided within 15 minutes and must complete the review within 30 minutes; otherwise, the Assignment is considered late. To encourage Assignment completion, configure the passed deadline interval to increase the Urgency of the Assignment by ten every 15 minutes after the Deadline interval elapses until the Urgency reaches a maximum of 100. 

Tip: For this exercise, you can adjust the goal, deadline, and passed deadline intervals to shorter durations.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@gogoroad pega123!
Note:  The challenge walkthrough video is coming soon.

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Detailed Tasks

1 Add a passed deadline interval to the Service-Level

  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter author@gogoroad.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types > Assistance Request to open the Assistance Request Case Type.
  3. Click the Review service summary Step.
  4. In the properties pane, click the Goal & deadline tab.
  5. Click Open SLA in Dev Studio to open the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) in Dev Studio.
    Open SLA in CLC
    Tip: Alternatively, in Dev Studio, in the App Explorer, expand AssistanceRequest > Process > Service Level Agreement, select and open the right SLA Rule. When you create a Rule in App Studio, Pega Platform creates a new Rule in Dev Studio with a number appended to the Rule name.
  6. On the Service-Level Agreement, scroll down to locate the Passed deadline area of the record.
  7. In the Limit passed deadline events to field, enter 6 to repeat the interval until the Urgency reaches 100.
  8. In the Mins field, enter 15 to set the passed deadline interval to 15 minutes.
  9. In the Amount to increase Urgency field, enter 10 to increase the Urgency of the Assignment by 10 each time the interval elapses.
  10. Click Select Action. The Perform Action drop-down is displayed.
  11. From the Perform Action drop-down, select Notify Manager to send a Notification to the manager of the assigned Case worker each time the passed deadline interval lapses.
    Passed deadline sla
  12. Click Save to save the SLA.
    Note: After you add a passed deadline interval to an SLA, you can no longer configure the goal and deadline from the Case Type. Instead, Pega Platform™ prompts you to open the SLA Rule to view and configure the SLA.

Confirm your work

Note: For testing purposes, consider reducing the SLA interval values. Make sure to change the values back for Autograding validation.
  1. Switch to App Studio and click Preview.
  2. From the Web Portal, click Create Assistance Request.
  3. Advance the Case to the Review service summary Step using the account [email protected]. Confirm that the deadline interval is displayed under the form title. 
    Service level agreement change-1
  4. Click Exit Preview.
  5. Wait for the deadline and the passed deadline interval to elapse, click Preview, and open the Assignment. Confirm the increase in Urgency level.  
  6. In the Web Portal, click My Work.
  7. In My Work, locate the Case ID associated with the overdue Assignment. Verify that the Urgency has increased.

This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:

Available in the following mission:

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