Business Architect
Business Architect
16 モジュール
21 チャレンジ
1 day 3 時間 30 分
Begin your journey as a business architect with Pega Platform™ by learning the capabilities of App Studio to develop applications on Pega Platform...
Low-Code App Builder Extended
Low-Code App Builder Extended
1 ミッション
19 モジュール
18 チャレンジ
23 時間 45 分
The Low-Code App Builder Extended mission serves as a continuation of the learning journey in low-code application development using Pega Platform™...
Modular Enterprise Reuse Foundation
Modular Enterprise Reuse Foundation
4 モジュール
2 時間 25 分
This mission presents the foundational knowledge required to understand Pega's guidance on enterprise reuse and modular business architecture best...
Pega Low-Code App Factory
Pega Low-Code App Factory
4 モジュール
1時間 38 分
Pega Platform 8.4 -
At its core, Pega App Factory is a lightweight framework which runs on the Pega Platform which enables repeatable low-code development success in App...
Pega positioning for Business Architects
Pega positioning for Business Architects
5 トピック
1時間 30 分
As a Pega Business Architect, having a good understanding of the foundational elements of Pega Platform™ capabilities enables you to guide your...
Pega tools that support Scrum for Business Architects
Pega tools that support Scrum for Business Architects
6 トピック
1時間 45 分
Pega Platform™ supports collaboration between the business and IT teams by providing an extensive set of tools within Pega that support the Agile...
Business conditions
Business conditions
2 トピック
20 分
Learn how to create your own, custom business conditions in App Studio. Business conditions allow you to use a set of pre-defined criteria to...
Low-code defined
Low-code defined
5 トピック
50 分
Pega Platform™ provides an application development environment where Citizen Developers and System Architects alike create digital solutions to...
Presenting suggestions for agents
Presenting suggestions for agents
4 トピック
35 分
During customer interactions, CSRs receive suggestions through notification cards in the Interaction Portal of Pega Customer Service™. They represent...
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
11 タスク
30 分
Sie sind gerade als Pega Business Architect in das GoGoRoad-Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekt eingestiegen.
GoGoRoad ist ein Kfz-Serviceunternehmen, das...